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I meet families, couples, children, youth, parents and individuals struggling and developing. I offer psychogical know how in relationships, child- and youth development and psychological health. You can take contact for counseling, consultation, shorter and longer periods of psychotherapy depending on your needs. I have worked as a clinical psychologist since 2006. From 2014 I have also worked as a psychotherapist. My framework is relational with education in familytherapy. I do KELA rehabilitative psychotherapy. When you seek contact check your insurance, your companies policies to see what they cover. I work in Mariehamn, Åland Islands. /Sonja

Psykolog Sonja Dolke,

Mottagning i Mariehamn, Åland:

Ta kontakt för tid  och förfrågningar via Medimar från och med mars 2018.  

Jag har mottagning på Medimar - info & bokning

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